Electronics are more integrated in our lives than ever before and their uses continue to grow. Today many items still end up in landfill instead of being properly recycled. Many valuable and essential resources are used in fabricating consumer electronics and making sure we recover them is crucial to ensure continued availability for future production. Some of the elements inside electronics that are recovered include gold, silver, palladium, copper, lithium, aluminum, cobalt and more. As resources continue to get scarcer and as global demand increases for these items, it's crucial we continue to expand on the amount of electronics that are recycled and do our best to keep them out of landfill.
Electronic Recycling Services
Free Data Destruction
Free Pickup & Removal
IT Assest Disposition (ITAD)
Shredding and Refinement of Circuit Boards
Assest Resale & Deployment
Electronic Items We Buy
Desktop Computers
LCD Monitors
Phone Systems
Circuit Boards
Hard Drives
Power Supplies
Loose Components

Scrap Ceramic EPROM's

Mixed Scrap Circuit Boards

Scrap Gold Memory